Science Behind Abacus

Research has clearly shown that an Abacus-based education enhances progress in a wide variety of abilities and skills. Scientific analyses have demonstrated the effectiveness of Abacus training by showing improvement in the following seven abilities:

Abacus learning technique is a time-tested, proven methodology meeting if not exceeding, international standards of primary educational instruction. Integral to this approach is that it is child-friendly utilizing motivating contents to develop children’s self-esteem, self-worth and personal confidence. It is far more than mere learning static content at school. It is a dynamic and valuable investment in the child’s future!

Mathematics is taught as a “subject” in school. But in fact, mathematics is so much more than that! It encompasses philosophy, art, analytical problem solving, critical thinking, observation, short and long term memory, entertainment, fun and so much more.

We are usually taught that there is only “one way” to get an answer. That is one of the worst things you can tell someone. First of all, it is not true! For instance, there are many ways to do addition and subtraction sums and many ways to do multiplication and division. And one of the worst ways is to torture children to “memorize tables,” called rote learning which uses repetitive, robotic-type responses that do not promote any skills whatsoever in thinking ability! Children who are well versed in Abacus manipulation skills are tutored to understand the infinite power of visualization, and clearly, children love using and developing this acquired skill. Research has shown that even very young children who learn the Abacus basics of arithmetic, achieve a much faster and more comprehensive understanding of all mathematical concepts, thereby reducing time and effort to fully master mathematical subjects. They are also eager to challenge themselves to solve problems as mental blocks are easily removed on their road to reaching their full potential.

Right and Left Brain

We need to know a little about the left and right brain and their functions. (please go through the above said article)
Since we have been trained from the childhood to use our right hand, combined with the left-brain oriented education system our right brain almost remains unused and inactive.

What abacus training does is that it activates and uses both sides of the brain. Now the question is how?
Abacus training includes mental arithmetic which is nothing but use of the brain alone with the image of abacus in it to do mathematical calculations.

Now operating the abacus needs both hand movements, this helps in the usage of both brains by the children while doing calculations. Moreover, the mental arithmetic part of the training, (which is nothing but removing the physical abacus and training the child to visualize the image of abacus in the mind to do mathematical operations) the child uses the left brain for the algebraic operations and the right side for the imagination of abacus and the spatial arrangements of the beads for calculations, this clearly explain how both sides are activated and used in abacus training. Since the right brain is also activated, the potential of this side too comes into play in child’s life leading to more memory, creativity and better wholistic intelligence, and better all-round performance.

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